Conducting a Board of Directors Meeting

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It is often difficult and confusing to conduct an executive meeting, especially when a variety of perspectives are being considered. The board must reach an agreement on many issues which can be a challenge when certain members take on more of a vocal role while others are not as involved. It can be difficult to keep the discussions on track, especially when they go over the allotted time.

A well-written agenda as well as a well-organized distribution system for documents for the board are essential for a successful board session. Management should prepare an “board packet” and distribute it to all board members 3 – four working days prior to the meeting. This will ensure that everyone has the information needed for participation. This will allow directors to ask questions and discuss details with their peers before the board meeting.

A clear decision-making process is also important for conducting an effective board of directors meeting. It is essential to clearly define the process for making decisions based on consensus or votes and to establish a timeline for when decisions will be made. This ensures a free discussion and ensures that all viewpoints are taken into consideration.

It is also essential that the chair of the board facilitates discussions and encourages all members to participate. It can be detrimental to the board when one or an individual dominates the discussion. This could lead to the absence of participation by other members and a lack of effective decisions. To avoid this, at the beginning of a meeting the chair could introduce rules that favor concise remarks as well as equal airtime to every board members.

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