How to Write a Data Analysis Report

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A report on data analysis is a vital document that can help you make sense of the raw data collected during a research or business project. It focuses on how the information is linked to and supports a hypotheses. It also aims to inform conclusions and support decision-making.

Data analysis can be classified into two broad categories – descriptive analytics, and inferential analysis. Descriptive analytics concentrate on what has happened over time, for example, the number of views or sales for a product. Diagnostic analytics, however, examines the reason for what took place. This usually involves a variety of data inputs, in addition to some theories (e.g. how did the weather affect beer sales).

You must “scrub” the raw data before you begin to analyze it. This includes removing duplicate observations and making sure each observation is complete and accurate. It also includes standardizing formats and identifying any potential mistakes.

The next step is converting the data into a graphic format that is easy to understand. This can be accomplished by using software for data mining or data visualization tools. It is crucial to think about your audience at this point, and. You may need to create a glossary of terms or explain your strategy in case your readers aren’t familiar with the terminology.

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